Hokkien Noodles with Mushrooms

15 g dried porcini mushrooms, soaked.
180 g fresh button mushrooms, sliced.
50 g pancetta or bacon, sliced and fried crispy.
2 tbsp. (30ml) butter.
1 small onion, finely chopped.
1 tbsps. (15ml) fresh sage, finely chopped.
2 tbsps. (15ml) fresh Italian parsley, finely chopped.
Salt and ground pepper
1/3 cup (85 ml) freshly grated parmesan cheese.
1/2 cup fresh cream
1/4 cup white cooking wine.
440 g TAINGS Fresh Thin Hokkien Noodles.
Instructions – To Be Done Before Starting To Cook.
Soak Porcini mushrooms in ¼ cup (185 ml) warm water for 45 minutes. Drain of liquid and filter through muslin cloth or a paper coffee filter to remove grit. Finely slice the rehydrated mushrooms.
Melt half the butter in a frying pan and gently sauté onion until soft and translucent. Add the rehydrated porcini mushrooms, the filtered mushroom liquid and the wine, simmer until half the liquid evaporates. Add remaining butter, sliced button mushrooms, herbs and lastly the cream. Season well and gently simmer, covered, for15 to 20 minutes.
Wash noodles under hot water, drain and toss with the sauce and Parmesan. Sprinkle some of the finely chopped parsley and the crispy bacon. Enjoy!
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